Proof of life on Mars

Is this photograph an outsider or dinosaur thigh bone on Mars, as some connivance scholars have recommended? Very doubtful, NASA researchers have closed.
The photograph, taken by the Curiosity meanderer on August 14, had scheme scholars in a fit online over the previous week on the grounds that they accepted it demonstrated a bone-like item lying on the surface of the red planet.
"Basically put, this demonstrates that there were some living things on the Mars [sic]," an unknown essayist at Northern Voices Online asserted, while a well known UFO site contrasted the affirmed bone with past pictures of a "fossilized, reptilian spine" and a "human finger".
In an exertion to stop the hypothesis on various locales, some of which said it demonstrated there had been life on Mars, NASA at long last chose to provide for its assessment on Friday, a week after it was taken.
"Seen by Mars wanderer Curiosity utilizing its Mastcam, this Mars rock may resemble a femur thigh bone," NASA's researchers said. "[but] mission science allies think its shape is likely etched by disintegration, either wind or water. In the event that life ever existed on Mars, researchers expect that it would be little straightforward life structures called organisms. Damages probably never had enough oxygen in its air and somewhere else to backing more unpredictable living beings. Consequently, expansive fossils are not likely."
Galactic Society of Victoria's Perry Vlahos, who is a stargazer furthermore a writer for Fairfax Media, distributer of this article, said the human mind frequently played traps on us.
"A fabulous aspect regarding the human mind is that we're wired for example distinguishment," Mr Vlahos said. "Along these lines [it means] we search for commonplace things in whatever it is that we're looking at.
"It's been an enormous piece of advancement in having the capacity to comprehend designs and envision things that help us evade predators ... also its something that is adult with people over a long time of time.
"So I'm not astounded that individuals see a 'man in the moon' and a 'thigh bone' on Mars."
He included that he would be "to a great degree amazed" if the item seen in the photograph was something besides what researchers officially anticipated that will see on Mars. "In the event that there was something veritable to this picture as being something that could be something besides simply a characteristic event and simply light and shadow playing with our psyches and our eyes I would be extremely astonished," Mr Vlahos said.
So far there had been no proof that life had ever existed on Mars.
"In the event that there was proof of [life] on Mars it would have been front-page news route before any of this conspiratorial stuff came up," Mr Vlahos said. "There have been various public interviews that have been held by researchers where they reported such revelations.
"[for example] there was a shooting star that was found in Antarctica around 10 years back and we suspected that we had discovered proof of microbes in it originating from Mars and later on it was chosen that that wasn't the situation. So no, there's been [no evidence] and if there ever was it would be at the bacterial level. It won't be anything like an extensive creature that would provide for us such bones."
Despite the fact that there have been discoveries that would recommend there was water on Mars, which is presently liable to be in ice structure, Mr Vlahos said this would not be sufficient alone to help life on the planet.
"Water on Earth meets expectations in conjunction with a considerable measure of different things," he said. "It's not simply water on its own. There's a climate, there's vegetation, there's numerous kinds of different frameworks that cooperate, precipitation and so on [to help life]. So there's a combo of variables."
The Curiosity wanderer has been on Mars for a little more than two years now, creating numerous pictures that have captivated researchers and trick scholars.
Not long ago its partner, the Opportunity meanderer, recognized an abstruse rock formed like a jam doughnut that seemed to make everyone wonder what happened when looking at two different pictures of the same spot. It was later clarified as a bit of a bigger shake that had been broken and moved by the Mars wanderer Opportunity's wheel in right on time January.