NASA reward Tribute to Astronaut Scott Kelly

Scott Kelly identifies with family, companions and NASA authorities in the wake of touching base in Houston. Kelly was welcomed upon landing on U.S. soil by Dr. Jill Biden, Second Lady of the United States, Mark Kelly, previous space traveler and Scott's twin sibling, Dr. John Holdren, executive of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, Charles Bolden, NASA overseer, and Ellen Ochoa, chief of NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston.
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"At the point when the principal Americans set foot on Mars, they will be following in the strides of one of the finest space travelers in the historical backdrop of the space program, old buddy, Commander Scott Kelly. In the wake of spending an American record 520 days in space – incorporating his Year in Space – I can think about nobody all the more meriting some merited lay and time on the same planet as his family and companions.
"Every one of us in the NASA family - and without a doubt in the more extensive academic group - are appreciative that he was willing to relinquish time with his friends and family, suppers that don't arrive in a pack, a frosty lager, hot showers, cool harvest time breezes, the hints of winged animals tweeting, the capacity to lay his head on a genuine pad thus a great deal a greater amount of the joys of life amid his year of exploration and experimentation the International Space Station.

"We will always remember the 700 staggering pictures he presented on online networking, the administration he showed as ISS Commander throughout the previous six months and, the greater part of all, the effect that every one of his missions and years of administration will keep on having on our Journey to Mars."  / orginal post reference/